Avid multiplayer game supporters have surely hoped someone would take a look at in-game server browsers and see whether something new could be come up with. Qtracker creators offer you their program, with which you can manage all your multiplayer games, LAN games as well Internet games, and the best thing is that you’ll never have to load the game. In fact, the program supports well over a hundred games. This is one of Qtracker’s main features.
It’s a simple one-click connection where the user will search for and select the server they want to access, and with one click Qtracker connects and downloads the game automatically. If you wanted to take it further, Qtracker can log into the game automatically and select your player profile for you. With Qtracker you can search for new server, friends and even follow the scores on other games being played. With this package users can administer servers without hassle or frustration.
For those players that pride themselves in their gaming skills and feel they deserve to have their empire customized, rules, names and scores can be changed in terms of color and font. Images and maps can be seen since Qtracker come with an installable Mapshot pack. Other nifty tools that the developers have thought about to make the games more enjoyable are customization of the play board and score charts, the ability to filter game information, such as regional information. In fact, more than 400 regions are registered. Even the servers can be filtered.